Sunday, January 13, 2008

What a cutie.............

Emma and her Mom came in yesterday to have her four month portraits done. It is unbelieveable how much she has grown since we took her newborn pictures. I can't wait until next time!! Enjoy..........................

Thank you for looking!!!

First Senior Star of 2008

Ragan came in yesterday with her Mom to have her Senior Star Portraits done. What can I say?? Ragan was a blast and we had a ton of fun. Below are just a FEW of my favorites.... it was very hard to decide... LOL Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for looking!!!

A love that will last.............

A great way to start off the New Year!! Being able to spend last Saturday with Lonna Kay and Stephen was a real blessing. This is a couple that is so in love, and you feel it just being around them. We had such a wonderful time at their wedding, it was beautiful. Below are just a FEW of my favorites..... and see Lonna Kay you can't even tell you had a big black eye. WOW... what an amazing makeup artist can do!! LOL Hope you enjoy..... thanks for looking!!

A sweet moment...................

With this ring...............

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kade... Senior 08

Here are a few pics of Kade.... some of my favorites. Thanks for looking!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Family Fun

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well... we survived the holidays and really enjoyed our time off. We had all of our kids here last week. That was a ton of fun! AND.... for the first time in five years we took a "formal" family picture..... I know I know... but you know what they say... a plumbers' faucet always drips, a mechanic's car never runs and I guess a photographer never has pictures, LOL Anyway... I figured out that my bunch is about as rowdy as they come.... but we had a ton of fun... Here are just a couple of my faves.....

Here's Reggie and I and our kids........

This is a little more like us......

And they all fall down.... what goof balls.......

Our two grandsons... aren't they precious??

Look who's crawling now............ he started crawling on Christmas Eve....

I just love this picture....

Thanks for looking................

New Year... new Blog

Well... I finally decided that I was very limited with my old blog... so I have switched. If you would like to see our old blogs, feel free to check out our my space at

I am going to try and post faithfully..... I hope you enjoy!! Let me know your thoughts and comments and let me know what you would like to see!! Thanks again for looking!!