Thursday, February 21, 2008

James... Senior Star or Model?

Saturday morning we had the pleasure of taking Senior Star Plus Portraits of James. We had a blast!! James acted as if he does this every day. He really was a natural and made my job VERY easy. The hardest part... picking my favorites. This isn't all of them... just a few... LOL. Enjoy and PLEASE leave a comment!!

Thanks for looking!

I think this is my fave... I think....

I love the car... I love the sky... hmmmmm

Okay maybe this is my fave......

Yeah.. I'm a Senior!!!!

P.S. I will be posting another blog soon of the Garcia Family from their shoot Saturday.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Family Love

Valentine's Day brought in Mikayla with her dad Steven and her mom Stephanie. We had a great time. Of course as you can see here because it was Valentine's Mom and Dad were very loving.... but Mikayla didn't want to see that!! LOL Thanks for looking!

Steven and Stephanie made it up to Mikayla by swinging her... she enjoyed that as you can see.

I just love this picture!!

Tea Time!!

STOP... Picture Time!!!

Peek a Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day Trip to Ruidoso......

Tuesday I drove up to Ruidoso to spend some time with my oldest daughter and my two precious grandsons. I took my camera with me with the anticipation of getting some great mountain pictures and some fun pics of the family. Well, due to the lack of snow, the mountains aren't very pretty right now, but I did get some fun family pics. We had a great time and I took about 50 pictures while I was there. I have included a couple of my faves, I hope you enjoy.

After being at Kylie and Beau's house for about 30 minutes walking right beside their house was a buck, a doe and a fawn deer!! So, i grabbed my camera and snapped a picture.

I will posting more blogs of some recent shoots very soon... so check back. We would love to have some comments! Thanks for looking!!

After Kylie's class and Cameron's nap we loaded up and headed to the park. Cameron is teething right now and not in the best of spirits, but he did enjoy the swings as you can see here.

But the best part was so did my oldest daughter Kylie. She was showing Quintin how high he'll be able to go someday. LOL

After swinging we went to the creek to feed the ducks and play by the water.... I had alot of fun getting some of these images down there.

I just love this pic of Kylie!!!

The ducks enjoyed the bread we gave them... about half a loaf.... LOL

Monday, February 11, 2008

Caleb- Senior Star

Caleb came in Saturday for his Senior portraits. Initially it was the perfect day for it, so we headed outside. The wind had other plans about halfway thru the shoot- but we still managed to get some great pics!! We did some awesome ones inside as well. Here is just a sneak peek........ Remember comments rock... so leave one or two........ Thanks for looking!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

B E A U tiful Day!!

So today was an absolutely gorgeous day...... I know that Punxsutawney Phil said six more weeks of winter but he was not in Roswell today. T-Shirt weather is what we call it. So, we couldn't resist....... We fired up the BBQ grill and had a fantastic supper...... Just looking at this food gets me ready for summer.

My husband is awesome on the grill..................

Thanks for looking!!!


Kelsey had her birthday on Saturday and Tuesday I got the dreaded call from school...... you know the one--- from the nurse. Kelsey had a fever and the chills. UUGHHHHHH!!! So... we spent the next four days dealing with the flu.... yuck! But then Kelsey started getting worse instead of better...... so Monday we spent the day at the hospital... fun huh? She was severely dehydrated and not only did she have the flu.... but a massive kidney infection. So, after the IV's and the antibiotics and almost two weeks out of school she is on the upswing.

Kleenex, medicine.......

No cokes for awhile...... juice and water, juice and water........

A few things once Kelsey started to feel a little better that are great for everyone's mental and physical survival...........

Books, IPOD with earphones, Nintendo DS or gameboy, Medicine and more medicine, lots of tissue..... oh yeah and maybe an alcoholic beverage or two for Mom... only to aid in her sanity. LOL

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!!

Birthdays, Birthdays and More Birthdays....

Sorry for the delay in posting... these next couple of posts will show you why... LOL

So, my husband Reggie's birthday is Christmas Eve... then my Dad's is Jan 6th, my Mom's is the 18th and Kelsey our youngest is the 19th.... oh yeah and Reggie's mom's is the 28th... Geez the birthdays!! LOL I thought I would share some fun family moments from all the birthdays with you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGGIE............................................

German Chocolate.... yummmmmmmmm

We gave my Dad a party to celebrate him getting so old...... LOL (That's him with the glasses and that's my mom standing)

After some great food we played some music....... alot of talent in one room.

Kelsey and our friend Tommy being goofballs.......

Next... My mom bowls on a league on Thursday nights so we surprised her with balloons and a cake. They announced it over the loud speaker..... it was great!! She has promised revenge on me though.... LOL

Can you tell that someone loves purple?!?

Then Saturday came and Kelsey turned THIRTEEN!! (Scary HUH?) One of her presents was getting a second piercing in her ears.... Here's the live action shot.. LOL (She was pretty mad at me for this one)

Wow... pretty Kelsey!!

Next, Reggie, Kelsey and I went to eat at a local steakhouse with my parents to celebrate. Kelsey got her first ever fried ice cream... YUMMMMMMMMM

Presents were next................ she likes her new scarf.... what a goofball!!!!

What is it?? What is it?

Happy 13th Birthday Kelsey!!!

Stay tuned for pictures from Kelsey's friend party.