Sunday, February 3, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays and More Birthdays....

Sorry for the delay in posting... these next couple of posts will show you why... LOL

So, my husband Reggie's birthday is Christmas Eve... then my Dad's is Jan 6th, my Mom's is the 18th and Kelsey our youngest is the 19th.... oh yeah and Reggie's mom's is the 28th... Geez the birthdays!! LOL I thought I would share some fun family moments from all the birthdays with you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGGIE............................................

German Chocolate.... yummmmmmmmm

We gave my Dad a party to celebrate him getting so old...... LOL (That's him with the glasses and that's my mom standing)

After some great food we played some music....... alot of talent in one room.

Kelsey and our friend Tommy being goofballs.......

Next... My mom bowls on a league on Thursday nights so we surprised her with balloons and a cake. They announced it over the loud speaker..... it was great!! She has promised revenge on me though.... LOL

Can you tell that someone loves purple?!?

Then Saturday came and Kelsey turned THIRTEEN!! (Scary HUH?) One of her presents was getting a second piercing in her ears.... Here's the live action shot.. LOL (She was pretty mad at me for this one)

Wow... pretty Kelsey!!

Next, Reggie, Kelsey and I went to eat at a local steakhouse with my parents to celebrate. Kelsey got her first ever fried ice cream... YUMMMMMMMMM

Presents were next................ she likes her new scarf.... what a goofball!!!!

What is it?? What is it?

Happy 13th Birthday Kelsey!!!

Stay tuned for pictures from Kelsey's friend party.

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