Sunday, February 3, 2008


Kelsey had her birthday on Saturday and Tuesday I got the dreaded call from school...... you know the one--- from the nurse. Kelsey had a fever and the chills. UUGHHHHHH!!! So... we spent the next four days dealing with the flu.... yuck! But then Kelsey started getting worse instead of better...... so Monday we spent the day at the hospital... fun huh? She was severely dehydrated and not only did she have the flu.... but a massive kidney infection. So, after the IV's and the antibiotics and almost two weeks out of school she is on the upswing.

Kleenex, medicine.......

No cokes for awhile...... juice and water, juice and water........

A few things once Kelsey started to feel a little better that are great for everyone's mental and physical survival...........

Books, IPOD with earphones, Nintendo DS or gameboy, Medicine and more medicine, lots of tissue..... oh yeah and maybe an alcoholic beverage or two for Mom... only to aid in her sanity. LOL

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!!

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